Category Archives: Projects

Residential Architectural Styles

When we start working with new clients we ask them what style of home they prefer. This is a question our clients often struggle to answer. Architecture and design has it's own vocabulary, in order to have a meaningful conversation we need to be speaking the same language.
How fluent are you in architectural styles? What styles do you like? What style is your current home? Can it fit in a category or is it best labeled a mutt?

Here is a great primer to start learning architectural styles.

Practice defining a home's architectural style on your morning walk or on your drive home. Struggling to label one? Send it to us and we will see if we can help.

Drab to Fab

Everyone loves a good before and after story.  Whether it’s the Ugly Duckling or Cinderella, the basic story is the same.  Something undesirable and unattractive is transformed into something beautiful.  We recently completed an architectural project that is a perfect example of this concept.  An old dilapidated waterfront cottage (very common in Anne Arundel County)…
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